Friday, August 03, 2007


Whale shark, at least 20ft long. But no, I didn't see one there, I got it off the internet. =D But I wish I had seen one.
That's me wearing pink snorkles. Kinda cool huh?


Sea urchin.

Star Cushion.

Parrot fish.

In my free time, I managed to do some really fun stuff too such as..

Burying myself in the sand
and also playing volleyball with some of the other holidaymakers.
Uncle Nic, Me and Ivan.
Uncle Nic, my sifu, was the pioneer for Redang itself and he was there even before the resorts were out (yes, he's kinda old). He's always reminiscing the old days where the underwater visibility was 60 ft and how he could see the turtles swimming at the ocean floor from the boat, which also makes him an interesting person as he always has loads of stories and jokes to tell.
I'm really glad I went for this trip..

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