Monday, September 24, 2007

Its alive I'm telling you..

Its been a long while since the last blog post, and even when provoked to rise from its slumber a few weeks ago (by syazleen), my blog has been relatively un-alive. I haven't been extremely busy recently. But when you've got nothing to do, there is a tendency to just slack.. and do other things that seem important to you, like hibernating. But yes, its alive I'm telling you, it is indeed. So after a long month of being silent, I shall reveal the long awaited post.


The holidays have been a wonderful time. Infact, this must have been one of the best hols I've ever had. I think one of the reasons why it would be the "bestest" of all hols is because I've actually managed to be productive this hols. The stint with Mcare has proven to be an extremely enriching experience (which I will blog more about later) and I've also spent loads of quality time with my family, friends from long ago, and my other family - all the SSGC/agape dudes.


I would love to share a tiny little conversation that took place recently because I think it really adds perspective to my adventure studying overseas.

Uncle Ritchie : So Peter, when are you leaving for UK?
Me : I shall be going back on Monday night.
Uncle Ritchie : Going back? or did you mean going away?
Peter : Ahhh... I meant going away.

I thought that this conversation was an excellent reminder for me not to forget my "asal-usul". There's always been the temptation to live my life as if I were my own; doing my own selfish thing and not caring about what others think and feel. Although I've been away from home for possibly half of my life, I always need to remember who I am, what I should be doing and to whom I belong to. You won't know where you're headed to if you dont' know where you're coming from. So this coming academic year, I hope that I shall always remember my humble beginnings; my resposibilities as a student, friend, son, brother and also as a Christian.

My plane leaves in 7 hours. And what do I do? I blog....

So, I will be going away again to UK to continue my second year of studies. And I do so with a joyful heart. Its nice going away, 'cause there's always alot to look forward to when I come back. Of course, there's also alot to look forward to when I'm away, but having a little perspective does not harm.

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